The Conestga N44 46.75 W75 23.58
difficulty: Beginner
depth: 28 feet
type: Wreck, shore dive
The history:
The Conestoga, launched on July 6, 1878 in Cleveland, Ohio, was sold to a Canadian company in 1919 where she was used for transporting cargo and passengers. She was 252 feet long, a draught of 16 feet and tipped the scales at 1,226 tons. The Conestoga was powered by a steeple compound engine and capable of a top speed of 8 knots. On May 22, 1922, with her cargo of 30,000 bushels of wheat (which was salvaged), a fire started in the engine room and she sank where she lay to this day. The total loss was estimated at $200,000.
The Conestoga, launched on July 6, 1878 in Cleveland, Ohio, was sold to a Canadian company in 1919 where she was used for transporting cargo and passengers. She was 252 feet long, a draught of 16 feet and tipped the scales at 1,226 tons. The Conestoga was powered by a steeple compound engine and capable of a top speed of 8 knots. On May 22, 1922, with her cargo of 30,000 bushels of wheat (which was salvaged), a fire started in the engine room and she sank where she lay to this day. The total loss was estimated at $200,000.
Buoy deployed 2013-05-25
The experience:
You can enter at the eastern tip of the island and let the current that runs between one and two knots take you to the Conestoga. The wooden areas of the Conestoga are in good condition but the upper areas have taken considerable damage from ice.
You can enter at the eastern tip of the island and let the current that runs between one and two knots take you to the Conestoga. The wooden areas of the Conestoga are in good condition but the upper areas have taken considerable damage from ice.
The treasure:
Not much to be found in the area due to the current. The Conestoga has been looted repeatedly by pirates. One blade of the 14-foot propeller was blasted off by dynamite in a failed salvage attempt.
The treasure:
Not much to be found in the area due to the current. The Conestoga has been looted repeatedly by pirates. One blade of the 14-foot propeller was blasted off by dynamite in a failed salvage attempt.
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